I’ve been incredibly lucky in my career – I’ve always worked in interesting areas from radio to television. It’s an extremely competitive industry but I have always kept an wide network of friends and colleagues. And its these contacts that have helped me get jobs and get on in my career.
It all started when I was on work experience. I was at the BBC News’ Foreign Affairs Unit, as it was then. I learned that as soon as I got my foot in the door, to keep in touch with people. Every single person you meet is a potential opportunity. As I’ve changed roles I look around me; not just at those who could help me but also at those I can help. It may not even be directly but even indirectly, sitting down and having a coffee with them may help them to look at things differently.
I’m currently working on a documentary project. We needed to find a runner. Having taught at universities, I’m in touch with a number of my students on linkedIn and contacted those I remembered to be hard working.
It felt fantastic to help one of them into some paid work and gain some valuable experience – even it was for a few days. I hope they will also have expanded their own network by keeping in touch with the whole team.
As you reflect back on this year and look forward to the next one and wonder what you can do differently or if you are doing enough for your career, remember to grow your networks throughout your working life. Your network can potentially determine your net worth and your path to career success.